The challenge of Freedom?

Amidst the many freedoms we enjoy, I think there are cardinal ones.

There are fights worth fighting,  and others are placed there to distract you from the greater freedoms out there.

For example the freedom to be naked can and will always be outweighed by the freedom to be educated.

Freedom is defined to be the state or quality of being free; life in the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action.

But with all these rights surely we ought to have some moderation, some form or responsibility lest we experience too much of a freedom.

Freedom without moderation will breed anarchy.

In a democratic society,  do we indeed experience freedom? Or are we just given ‘half-freedoms’ so that we should believe we are free?

As with truth, there are lesser and greater freedoms. Self-reliance is one thing seldom explored

My personal opinion, I feel that we’ll truly experience freedom when we ourselves bring that freedom, there’s a self-sufficiency that we’re yet to experience. Something along the lines of the tower of Babel.

History is replete with accounts when societies could overthrow a government, even in our day, we see self-sufficient communities like the Amish.

If we as a people could be of one mind, we’d be able to accomplish anything we set our mind to.

Two things that governments and big corporations are afraid of, i.e Large Numbers, and money.

We’re resourceful beyond what we realise.

If we as a large body could raise our own funds, we’d have both large numbers and money, meaning that we could literally govern ourselves.

Tell me what you think, do you think that the thought of a self-sufficient people will ever materialise?

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